Friday, August 3, 2012

Boy Bait?

***This post is about two years old, but it never got posted. Enjoy haha

One thing that I learned in high school is the importance of having a mentor so that you have someone guide you through the sticky parts of life or just to have a new friend that is wiser and more stable than your usual friends. I spent my freshman and sophomore year looking for a mentor and then junior year I met Tiff. Since I didn't ask for her permission to write this, I'm not going to tell you too much about her other than she is a fantastic women, dedicated mother, loving wife, and humble servant of God.

Another thing about Tiff is that she has a blog for parents that is simply addicting.

You might be thinking, "Scosh, what does this have to do with Christian School?" Oh just wait, Tiff's co-writer, Christina, just posted a recipe that could be the hit of campus: Blueberry Boy Bait. Now I know first hand that if you bake, you will have the attention of every guy within nose distance, whether you want them or not.  Now Tiff made her blog so much prettier than mine, so click on the name of the recipe to see it. Go now, and then come back here after exploring her blog.

The freshman move in in a few weeks and in the words of the creepy chick from The Hunger Games with my own additions, "May the odds of finding a boy after Thanksgiving be ever in your favor, and if that doesn't work come try some boy bait with me."

I did steal this picture from their blog, they can sue me if they want to, but it's so pretty!!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

You Might Be Dating at Christian School If...

  • You see your partner more that your bed
  • You have no other social life
  • they've "really enhanced you spiritual life"
  • You start dating when we get back from breaks like Thanksgiving
  • You prayerfully discerned that this is God's match for you
  • You don't remember life before this person
  • you think 10:30 is the worst part of your day
  • you think Wednesdays are the worst
  • you resort to making out in strange places
  • you sign up for classes together, even if you're not the same major
  • you feel sad for you single friends
  • you slow dance to every song forehead to forehead
  • you go on an obsene number of walks
  • you suddenly become an expert on Christian dating
  • you talk non-stop on the hardships of chasity
  • you think every small gesture is amazing
  • you talk about marriage after two weeks

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A Hall That Pees Together, Stays Together

That is the wisdom that my RA gave me my freshman year, and it has proven to be quite true. The thing that sucks is that there is always going to be people that are less than interested in the quality of the hall.

Let me start by saying that my room looks like a war zone, more correctly, my half of the room looks like a war zone, but I am always very aware of the mess I make outside of my room. There are 19 women on this hall, 2 bathroom stalls that work consistently, two shower stalls that actually work, and 7 sinks. More recently, some of the women have been doing their dishes and just left a ton of crap behind in the sink.

Please for the love of the God that I think most of us might serve at the school, learn how to clean up after yourself in the shared spaces. By all means, trash your room, but keep our space, ours.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Right On, Man

Every once in a while one of our campus' worship groups will perform in chapel. It's always great to see other groups come in and remind us that we are still one bug happy family that love Jesus and stuff, but on occasion the performance just doesn't quite go over as nicely as planned. Our fantastic university choir sang a few weeks back, and they sounded lovely, but I so did not understand what they were singing. 
The song was called "Ride On, King Jesus," which I don't quite understand, but the point is what I heard the entire time was "Right On, King Jesus," so I pictured them as some hippie dippie kids singing about how God is "like totally righteous brah." It was strange.


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Relationship ADD

I, like many people at school, have what I like to call "relationship ADD." Dating drama is such a big thing here, that I could probably dedicate a whole other blog to it. As all of the Valentine's Day festivities come to a close, I want to take the time to reflect on all the stuff that just happened. One girl has been head over heels for this dude for months, but for Valentine's Day, she started dating someone that is... well... questionable. Personally, my friends know that I have horrible taste in men, and it's pretty ridiculous. I had it bad for this one guy, but eventually I had to realize that it wasn't going to happen. I did find a comic that sums up how I feel when I see a certain gentleman... so yea it's cool you know how it goes.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

It Has Begun

Here at Christian School, we participate in the game of Humans Versus Zombies. It's basically a big game of tag where for how ever long we play, we completely deny reality and pretend that it is the zombie apocalypse and we must survive. Zombies have a bandanna around their neck or head and carry no weapons, while humans have a bandanna around their arm and carry a nerf gun to shoot the zombie. It goes a little deeper than that with missions and the amount of time that zombies are down, but not too much deeper. This is my diary from this weekend's invasion. Most of the names will be changes so I don't get yelled at.

Friday 2/10/12 -20:30
The zombie apocalypse has begun and now my squad, Timmel's Angels, have to survive. We have Laura, Hannah, and Timmel, so we're a good team, but I don't know if that's enough. Gill was one of the first zombies, I heard a rumor that he was turned, but I didn't want to believe it. This man moves way faster than he should be able to and is able to disappear without you even noticing, and considering that he's like 6'5', he should not be able to do anything that he does. I feel like I'm just standing at this helicopter crash site waiting to die. The squad next to me doesn't trust me at all, which I'm not going to lie, kind of hurts, but I'll get over it.

Satuday 2/11/12 00:15
We have a med kit, and I am really freaking hungry, no not for brains, so the roommate and I are going back to the room to order a pizza. All of the Angel's are alive, so I am quite pleased with how everything went down. More and more people are dying, but I don't have time to worry about them. Laura and I have a secret mission to go on that isn't related to anythings, but let's hope we don't die while we're out there.

Saturday 2/11/12 00:30
Mission completed, and the pizza is delicious.

Saturday 2/11/12 10:30
We have to rescue someone from one of the buildings and escort her to safety. Laura and I have made an epic playlist to dance to while on our adventure. I hope the zombies like "Sexy and I Know It." Our civilian was fantastic, and she even stopped to take some pictures.

Saturday 2/11/12 12:15
I died, but that's ok, my new friends are calling me to go to lunch with them. Too bad I don't like fast food, but these humans are so quick. My roommate is my first target.

Saturday 2/11/12 19:30
The humans are getting rescued soon and we need to stop it. There's not a chance that our snack is getting away. I miss my friends that are still living and I just want them to be with me. Timmel's Angels has been reduced to just Timmel, but the Angels fight together still. One of the humans won't let me see his battle ax, which is just silly because we can't feed indoors and I just wanted to bonk someone on the head. Some humans are just so mean to zombies these days.

Saturday 2/11/12
None of the humans survived, it was foolish of them to think that they would. The one with the ax made incredibly awkward eye contact with me while those silly men screamed the Lord's Prayer at us. We fed on their blessed flesh and watched re spawn and join our ranks.

All in all not too shabby, just a day in the life of a zombie. P.S. I did in fact get my roommate. :-)

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Effects of Drugs

     So I had to pull one of the dreaded all nighters that come with the territory of being a college student, so I brewed myself a nice pot of coffee. After my coffee was ready, I got a straw, sugar, and creamer and drank it without a cup. The pot was filled to the top and I did in fact drink most of it. Too bad I fell asleep after I drank 3/4 of it, but my homework was as done as it needed to be by the time it was due.
     Unfortunately my story is only slightly extreme to the life of those here at Christian school where we get drunk on the Holy Spirit, high on life, and stay up at night because of world issues and too much coffee. No matter where you go, there will probably be at least one person with a cup o' joe, or wishing that they had one.

P.S. I'm currently dancing to Moves Like Jagger with my roomie, and future roomie. My day is made.
P.P.S. This picture isn't stolen so BOOYAH!!!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

It's a Jesus Thing

I love tattoos, and I love Jesus, so I am one of the many, many, MANY, people that got a Jesus tattoo. The longer I have my tattoo, the more I see other peoples, and how ridiculous we are here at Christian school. We all have stories and how we tell and show the tend to be just plain weird. I have a symbol that was short-hand for Christ in a shield on my ankle, and it's awesome. Then there are people who have a lady bug because it shows that God is beautiful because he made such a freaky looking little creature and blah blah blah. My favorite was a guy who said that Catholics are the reason for sin and war, but had praying hands with a rosary on his arm. Just because you love Jesus, doesn't mean you shouldn't think before you ink.

*You guessed it kids, this picture is stolen from the internet

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Encounter Weekend

So every year my school invites all the accepted students to come and spent a few hours here and stay with "real college student." Are there fake students? Either way, I always host a student just so that whatever girl gets stuck with me, gets a little bit more of a realistic very of life here.
     The girl that stayed with me was far cooler than I was prepared for. When she got on campus she had to go from one part of campus to the complete opposite end just to be greeted by the nerf guns my roomie and I left out. Then we introduced her to... well all of my friends that were around. Clara really was able to hold her own, and man this girl had a good poker face. She even played humans v zombies and was pretty chill when one of the boy's knee said, "hi" to a door and it dislocated. Saying bye to her was oddly hard, but here at Christian school we get attached easily, and I don't mind that at all.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


So, basically everyone has said a "dirty word" at some point in our life, and Christian school is no stranger to this even if people don't want to admit it. Personally, I have far too much fun with it when someone is just really cheesed off and they say some sort of obscenity and then look around to make sure that no one else heard them.  While enjoying a song I never heard over the speakers in the Jammin Java, the singer plainly say the "f-bomb" and all of life stopped in that moment. One lovely RD smirked, and Sarah and I almost died from laughing so hard.

That Awkward Moment When You Should be Doing Homework...

but you're playing Action Potato instead. I should be studying for my death, but I'm doing the normal college student thing and I'm sitting in the coffee shop with Sarah and Ted, watching them play action potato talking about Christian Mingle and people being clingy. Before that I was talking to someone about the spirituality of this campus, or lack thereof. This is my life, so welcome to Christian school.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Importance of Alone Time

If you've met me even once, I've probably asked your name, major, and all those other awkward get to know you questions. The life of a student at a small Christian school is exhausting.Everyone knows each other and if you spend 2 days away from one social circle to be with another, they complain. It's easy to get caught up in the very flattering number of people who want to spend time with you, but it's simply not possibly. So when things get to the point that you can't remember when you last saw your roommate, or if you called you mom this week, it's time to go on a date with yourself. If your extroverted to a fault, like me, spending some alone time is a terrifying thought, so watch this video for maybe some inspiration.
There is no shame in being alone, it's necessary. How else can we just stop and breathe? When else will we able to fully encounter God?

Thursday, January 26, 2012

That's Just Gross

I absolutely hate when people ruin a perfectly fine walk from point A to point B by hocking a huge loogie and spitting. Today I was walking with a very sweet and handsome man and mid sentence he just spit right in front of me! Why does this gross me out? Who knows, but please, men of Eastern, stop being rude.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

This week a found a video that two freshman posted that is basically the perfect summery of this blog. I shake my fist at you for making fun of youth min majors... oh wait I do that too and I am a youth min major. Every school has it's perks and quirks and this is a great and pretty respectful way of doing that. Also, just in case Hannah, Angel, Sally, Rachael, or anyone of you ask... I DON'T KNOW EITHER ONE OF THESE FRESHMAN. *gasp* I love you ladies :-)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

New Semester, New Start

The start of a semester is always the best part because you're actually motivated to do something with your life. This picture that I stole from facebook, so please don't sue me congress,  perfectly describes my life. The plan the moment is to do as much work as I can as long as my motivation is there. Just pretend that when it says "September," it actually
says, "January."