Before attending Eastern University I had an idea of what Christian school would be like. Girls would wear turtle necks and everyone would be carrying Bibles. It took me a very long... five seconds to find out that I was very wrong. This is my life.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Love Thy Chaplain as Thyself
Friday, June 18, 2010
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Some Things Never Change
This summer I have to unique opportunity of working over the break. I kept my job in the dining commons and I absolutely love it... most of the time...sometimes... ok I really like my job. Today we served 30 kids from Radnor elementary school. I thought they would skip right over the salad and green beans and go right for the delicious chicken fingers, pizza with the cheese still bubbling from the oven's heat, and burgers right off the grill. That's what I did in elementary school, that's what I still do. Nope they ate healthier than I ever have.
The one thing that is the same is there is always some chick in a hair net serving the food.
****Note this picture was stolen from the internet so don't sue me****
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Sit around and listen young grasshoppers
Well, freshman year is over and a ton has happened and there have been many lessons learned. These are a few things that I'll be taking with me after this year:
~God will provide. Keep on top of things and pray... A LOT!
~Boys have cooties.
~The RAs know more than you, listen to them.
~Professors know even more than them so get to know them on a personal level.
~Pray fast, hard, and often.
~College is a very very expensive gift, not a privilege so stop acting like everyone should bow down to you because you made it to college.
~The people God brings into your life are there for a reason, treasure it.
~There is life beyond the ring by spring, I promise.
~No dating til after Thanksgiving. It gives you enough time to get to know a person before you skydive into a relationship without a parachute.
~Make the best of every moment because it'll be over very very soon.
Welcome to Christian school.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Best Gym Class EVER!
Every student at Eastern is required to take a gym class. I'm not exactly a sports kind of person so I decided to take fencing. The picture above that I did not ask anyone if I could show is of the girls in my class. We learned two kinds of fencing, European and Japanese Kendo. Basically, if you give me a stick I can beat you up. Welcome to Christian school.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Let's Rock This Campus!
Welcome to Christian school.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
They must have sodexo stomach
Welcome to Christian school.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Ring By Spring
My roommate and I are 18 and 19 we have no business worrying about being engaged. I'm even more guilty of it than she is because after dating my boyfriend for a few months I started thinking about what would happen if we would spend the rest of our lives together. My boyfriend is absolutely amazing and wonderful and all of those other positive adjectives, but I doubt that I'm going to marry the man.
I'll let you in on a secret my friends; girls aren't the only ones that dream of being engaged. There are guys that are just a eager to find "the one". I guess if you want a MRS. to go with a BA or BS then Eastern is the place for you.
I wonder what the divorce rate for Eastern students is.
Welcome to Christian school.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Sunday, March 7, 2010
The rules of visitation:
*it's during the allowed hours (if you go when it's not visitation you get fine)
*no hanky pank (the fines are $50 if you get caught with the door open and $100 is the door is closed)
*the door must be ALL the way open, door stops are provided (again with fines)
*two lights have to be on (The T.V. doens't count)
There are ways to cheat some of these if you want some coupley time. Rearrange you room to make it boyfriend or girlfriend friendly by making you bed or couch not easily seen by the door. Also, turn on two lamps instead of the bright overhead ones. The dark lights also give an indicator that you have a "friend" in the room and someone might not want to enter. Welcome to Christian school.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Reason, Justice... and what was that other one?
Welcome to Christian school.
The Pirate King
Well a few weeks ago, Eastern got a ton of snow. There's a huge hill outside of my dorm and it was just begging for people to sledding on it, so we grabbed lids of contains and trash bags and went ghetto sledding. I guess Cabrini doesn't have hills because there were some of there boys sledding on our campus. After they were done they all lit up cigarettes, there is no smoking on Eastern's campus. Angel with all of her amazing courage went up to them and said, "There's no smoking on my campus." With that they put out their cigarettes and and then used the name of the LORD in a very unkind way, which Angel again did not like and would not deal with. She looked at them again and said, "And don't take the LORD's name in vain."
The moral of the story is don't tick off Angel because she's such a strong person that stands up for what she believes.
Welcome to Christian school.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Around the World in 192 Seconds
First I need to tell you that reason they all look high as a kite is because they shot this video at about 7:00 AM... ew. All the lovely people in the video are student workers for the admissions department. I love the way the fun British guy said, "Welcome to our home." That is so true because once I started at Christian school I felt like I completely lost my home, family, everything that everything that ever mattered to me but I found a new home at Eastern.
I have a theory that there is at least one Gough 4th girl in every activity that involves women (so not men's soccer). Gough 4th is also called "the penthouse" because it's the top floor and super cool. There just happens not one, not two, but three beautiful Penthouse girls in the video along with one of our penthouse rooms. By the way, that's my floor. :-) As you could see on the door of the room that's Abby's and Megan's room. They are two of the coolest people Eastern has to offer. Megan is currently studying abroad. The stunning girl with the short blond hair in the room is one of my fantastic student chaplain. The penthouse is pretty awesome.
This video shows just how much love and beauty there is in one itty bitty school in just 192 seconds. Well done admissions. Welcome to Christian school.
P.S. RIP Log Cabin
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Roomie Love
Roomie Love (n)- the affection that is shown between two people that reside in the same place. Example: Wow Gough 412 has a ton of roomie love! You can tell that Scotia and Raechel have roomie love by the way they act around each other and respect one another.
Today friends, we are talking about roomie love. One thing that I have had the pleasure of experiencing during my time at Christian school is the wonderful thing that my roommate and I call “roomie love”. My roommate is the lovely Raechel Jones and we live together in Gough. The incredible thing about the floor I live on is that we are known for having amazing community, and my room is a perfect example of that. Raechel and I are each other’s friend, sister, confidante, mother, drill sergeant, spiritual guide, pest, and sometimes worst enemy. I’m not going to pretend that things are always springtime and daisies; we are after all two completely different young women, but even when things are bad there’s always roomie love.
One thing that I absolutely love about my roomie is that she is so supportive of everything I do, including this blog. When I told her about it, she got just as excited as I was. So as a thank you for everything she has done for me I promised I would give her a blog entry just for her. If you have ever met her, then you know how sweet she is, and if you haven’t met her then you are missing out.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Saran Wrap?
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Why Wednesday?
chapel+ no visitation+ grow group= Wednesday?