Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Around the World in 192 Seconds

OK so it's not around the world, but it is around the campus. Check out this video to see a virtual tour of the Christian school I rant about every week.
First I need to tell you that reason they all look high as a kite is because they shot this video at about 7:00 AM... ew. All the lovely people in the video are student workers for the admissions department. I love the way the fun British guy said, "Welcome to our home." That is so true because once I started at Christian school I felt like I completely lost my home, family, everything that everything that ever mattered to me but I found a new home at Eastern.
I have a theory that there is at least one Gough 4th girl in every activity that involves women (so not men's soccer). Gough 4th is also called "the penthouse" because it's the top floor and super cool. There just happens not one, not two, but three beautiful Penthouse girls in the video along with one of our penthouse rooms. By the way, that's my floor. :-) As you could see on the door of the room that's Abby's and Megan's room. They are two of the coolest people Eastern has to offer. Megan is currently studying abroad. The stunning girl with the short blond hair in the room is one of my fantastic student chaplain. The penthouse is pretty awesome.
This video shows just how much love and beauty there is in one itty bitty school in just 192 seconds. Well done admissions. Welcome to Christian school.

P.S. RIP Log Cabin


  1. Guess what? I actually know "the fun, British guy" haha.

    P.S. I love the fact that you referred to him that way :)

  2. I felt bad because I didn't know his name. Hopefully he doesn't read this and get offended.

  3. I'm sure he wouldn't get offended, but he probably won't see this, because he's in Israel right now.
