Sunday, May 22, 2011

For My Fellow Whovians

I always felt a little geeky talking about one of my favorite shows because it's a British Sci-Fi. The funny thing is there is an overwhelmingly large number of people who agree with me. Now I don't care, I'll stand on top of Walton and declare my love for the fantastic show Doctor Who. The show is horribly awful to describe but it has been going on for somewhere around 40 years. A man named The Doctor travels through time and space saving people in his spaceship that looks like a blue police box. When the doctor is about to die, he regenerates, which is how it has been going on for so long. Every Doctor Who fan, called a Whovian, has a favorite doctor. My two favorite are the lovely men in the picture. If you're ever bored at Christian school, feel free to find me and some friends and we'll watch Doctor Who together.

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