Monday, December 19, 2011

It's Been Awhile

So because Eastern sucks I haven't had access to this beautiful thing for four very long months. If I could I would run to this blog through a field of daisies in slow motion. There are so many things for me to post.


Friday, August 12, 2011

The Almost Reverend Rambo

 A part of the journey of a youth ministry major is the dreaded internship. Sure it sounds like fun, I mean you spend time telling teens about Jesus, but this is a little more than I bargained for. This summer I started a youth group. Yea you read correctly, I started a youth group. I have no idea why God chose me for this but he did. I'm nothing more than a humble servant that shakes in her boots every time she even thinks about ministry.

This is part of my reflection process and I'm not quite sure what has been happening because it all zoom right past me. Yesterday I looked to my left and right and admired the pew full of teens with my right in the middle. I felt so incredibly at home. I had been so opposed to being a youth minister before this summer and now I think God has either opened my heart to the possibility, or he wants me to be the next octo-mom. Their teen group has gone from 0 to 10 in 7 weeks. I have this unexplainable feeling of love for God and humility before him whenever I think about it.

The teens in the brand spanking new youth group are a hoot and a half. They bring out the creative, funny, loving, and short-fused sides of me. No matter what piece of the Scoshi puzzle they get, they're all so willing to just love (now if only I could get them to love each other.) More updates to come later.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

For My Fellow Whovians

I always felt a little geeky talking about one of my favorite shows because it's a British Sci-Fi. The funny thing is there is an overwhelmingly large number of people who agree with me. Now I don't care, I'll stand on top of Walton and declare my love for the fantastic show Doctor Who. The show is horribly awful to describe but it has been going on for somewhere around 40 years. A man named The Doctor travels through time and space saving people in his spaceship that looks like a blue police box. When the doctor is about to die, he regenerates, which is how it has been going on for so long. Every Doctor Who fan, called a Whovian, has a favorite doctor. My two favorite are the lovely men in the picture. If you're ever bored at Christian school, feel free to find me and some friends and we'll watch Doctor Who together.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

What We Like Here at Christian School

To protect the dignity of the lovely freshman that I took a screen cap of, I crudely went over his name and picture. When I saw this my reaction was two fold: face palm and welcome to Christian School. That is all.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Late night time on the turf

At Eastern there are two turf fields and according to the website that I stole this picture off of, the fields cover over 150,000 square feet of land. During the day the turf can be used to play some sports, get a little sun, cut across to get to work if you work in the Breezeway, and plenty of other things.

You can do most of those things at night, but instead of catching some sun, you would catch a little moon which is much less effective. On nights like tonight the turf lends itself to a very special purpose, a make out spot. If you are an innocent passer-by, the sight is a little disturbing mostly because couples don't mind being close to each other. I've depicted tonight's crowd with yellow dots. Sarah and I walked past and when we went by again all the couples were gone so we decided to hang out on my favorite part of the turf. I've shown us with a red dot.

What is the purpose of this post? I have no clue any more I just wanted to play with a picture and make fun of couples. Don't judge me.

Welcome to Christian School.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

I'm 20!

So twenty years ago I graced this world... just kidding I'm not that much of a jerk, but it is my birthday.

One of my favorite parts of EU is the people that have not just become a part of my daily life, but my family. One of my best friends came to see me this weekend for my birthday even though she blew this popsicle stand. This weekend was Dia Del Este (I'll get to that later) and she let me drag her all over campus to different activities and then we walked to the store in almost hurricane-like weather. Yep this is Marie and this is just a brief snipit of how she is because I could probably dedicate a whole blog to just her.

Well kids, welcome to Christian school.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Don't Talk to Strangers, There is Strength in Numbers, and DON'T TALK IN THE LIBRARY!

Is nothing sacred anymore?! I finally get my slacker butt over to the library to do some much need homework in peace and tranquility, but the library is just as filled with as much social chatter as the Jammin Java. So good citizens of the world, be kind, rewind, and be quiet in the library. Oh and to the girl that is having the "issues" you were talking about... you might want to tell your boyfriend and go to a doctor. You concern me.

Well kids, welcome to Christian school.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The 411 on the 143

This blog is inspired by the musings of two sophomore youth min majors. Let's give a warm welcome to Nicolle Layman... for her privacy let's call her Suzy :-D *

The 143...the "L-bomb"...or those three little words all equal the same thing...I Love You. Although love is a good and beautiful thing, all things happen in strides, and in their due time. So this is the words of two people as they try to make sense of this..."interesting" phenomenon.

             ...or else you will get dumped
            .... or worse....married
Rule 2. No dating until AFTER Thanksgiving
              As stated in a previous blog, this gives you enough to get to know somebody before diving (head-first) into the shallow end of the pool of life.
Rule 3. Do not assume you are dating unless it is facebook offical
             Let's face it, nothing is true unless it is published of facebook first. Who wants to "keep things private" anyway?
Rule 3.5....aka the 3.5 month rule
             PLEASE in the name of ALL that is good and holy...wait at least....AT LEAST! 3.5 months before dropping the 143.  Seriously, how authentic is your love if it popped up over night? we are talking about LOVE...not daises. How much could you possibly know about this person before said time restriction?
Rule 4. Do NOT start planning the wedding prematurely
             We repeat....DO NOT start these hypothetical wedding dreams until you get a ring...and by ring, we mean ENGAGEMENT ring. Promise rings need not apply. Also, if you're planning to get married on July 15...don't.
Rule 5. If you're not sure you love the person....don't. say. anything.
              If you have any hesitation in any way, shape or form...shut up. Because let's face it...once you say it, there is noooooo going back.

So this is our point of view on the 143, and as always....welcome to Christian school
p.s. - fish make excellent companions if you're wondering.
p.p.s. - waaaah - BAM!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Gourmet Food in a College Dorm Room

... 'Nuff said

Snow Day and Crutches

It's a beautiful day on Eastern's campus and it closely resembles Narnia... or so I've been told. I personally have not been able to enjoy it because I, Scotia Rambo, am on crutches. That is my sob story. But like every good story are highs and lows. My high is that my roommate made me pancakes YUM!